Thursday, November 13, 2014

Nov. 13 Blog 12: Troilus and Cressida; Othello

Othello and Troilus and Cressida are two very different plays. I think I liked Troilus and Cressida better though probably due to having read the Aeneid and the Iliad before. Othello was so much more realistic due to the racism in it and how that is still a thing today. I was very shocked by the end of the play. I did not believe Othello would kill his wife, Desdemona. I kept thinking if only he had talked to her and not just accused her of having an affair. I guess when someone like Iago plants so many thoughts into your head, like he did with everyone in the play, you believe him because he seems like a person you could tell all your secrets to.

Othello wanted to fit in even though of his race but he wanted to fit in the wrong way. He killed Desdemona because that’s what the white men around him would do if they caught their wives cheating but thats not a way to fit in. He should have just been himself and talked it out with Desdemona and she would more than likely still be alive. I find it crazy how everyone does not like that Othello is black but they don’t seem particularly hateful towards his face just like Iago going around talking about him but does not talk bad to his face. But that could be because if Iago does that then his plan to get a higher rank would not work, he needed to be honorable to Othello’s face to act like he has had no part in anything that has been going on.

I know Iago is an evil character but I can relate to him. He listens to everyone and plots against them. Its like when one person tells a confidant a secret but doesn't want someone else to know so then that confidant goes to that person that wasn't supposed to know and tells them what the other person said. This kind of thing happens now, someone tells someone something and then it makes its way around to everyone and starts some kind of conflict. Othello is a play everyone can relate to something in their life.

The one character I really liked was Emilia. I have always thought men and women are the same. Emilia is the same; she lives in a world dominated by men, but she knows things aren't the way they seem. It looks like men dominate but behind the curtains, the women have affairs and do other things men do. This still happens today, some couples look happy but behind doors its a different story.

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