Thursday, August 28, 2014

Sonnets 35 and 115

I read sonnets 35 and 115. My reaction to these sonnets was just wow, I thought they seemed to have went together. Although I believe this, I know we have been told that it is said that in the beginning sonnets, the auditor was a male and the later sonnets, the auditor was a female. Even knowing that I felt like sonnets 35 and 115 are talking about the same person just from what Shakespeare says in sonnet 115. Sonnet 115, first line says, Those lines that I before have writ do lie. Now in sonnet 35 what I got out of reading it, is that as we established in class, most of his sonnets that are about love, are about unrequited love. And in sonnet 35, I believe its about him trying to excuse his beloved for not loving him. Also sonnet 35, line two he says roses have thorns and silver fountains mud. I feel like he is saying this because he is mad at this person for not loving him like he loves this person so he basically says, you're as beautiful as a rose but roses have thorns that cut and hurt people and silver fountains are also beautiful like most fountains are but it has mud in it and mud is dirty. In sonnet 115, this is why I say I feel like they sort of go together because the first line, since he is saying bad things about the auditor in sonnet 35, he now comes in with sonnet 115 saying oh don’t worry about what I said then, those words lie and I do love you and all your faults. He is also saying that once the words are written down, they will also be a lie later because in the last line of 115 he says, To give full growth to that which still doth grow. So he is giving his love full room for it to grow and I believe it also means he is giving the auditor room to grow because he compared this person he loves in 35 to a rose with thorns. Sonnet 115 makes me think he had decided in sonnet 35 to forget his love for the auditor but now he has realized his love will never go away and they both need time for it to fully grow and he hopes she will see that everyone makes mistakes but he loves her more now than ever. I enjoyed reading these two sonnets together even though it is said they are about two different people, maybe they sound like they go together just because the author is the same person. I would recommend these two sonnets to everyone I know just to show them that everyone makes mistakes, to give them another chance because we have a bad habit of saying things we do not mean so we need to show people that we all lie and even though we don’t want to, it happens so just look past it unless it is too big to look past.  

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